Once you go abroad, be prepared for the one question you will hear for the rest of the year, "How's being abroad?" Of course, people only want to hear about the good parts- where you've traveled, what classes you're taking, what foods you've tried, what memories you've made. But the truth is, being abroad can take an emotional toll on you. If you're a homebody like me, it can be especially challenging to adjust. I think its important to recognize that being abroad isn't always going to be filled with exciting adventures. There are going to be times when you miss being home, you feel out of place, and you wonder if this was the right decision for you. I've learned that you have to take these moments with a grain of salt. It's okay to be homesick and it's okay to have no idea what you're doing! But in these moments, you have to remind yourself that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and the amount of positives that come with being abroad surpass the few hard times by a mile. There are several ways to treat the homesick blues:
• Go outside and explore! You're in a new city! Walk around and familiarize yourself with your new home. Turn down a random street, get lost in the city.. you'll find your way back!
• Find people to hang out with. You will be surprised how many people are sitting in their rooms, bored out of their minds and feeling the same way you are. Reach out and get coffee or go wander the streets! Having company will instantly cure the homesick blues.
• Call your family. Talking to your family will make you feel so much better than keeping your feelings to yourself. They want to hear about your experience so don't be afraid to call them once in awhile or even once a day!
• Exercise. Your body releases in endorphins when you workout which leads to a happy feeling. It's scientifically proven to make you feel better so get out there and run/walk/bike/swim, whatever is best for you! It will also keep you from gaining the abroad 15! ;)
• Keep a journal. I have 2 journals, one for writing about my travels and the second is to write down my favorite part of each day. Doing this is a really good way of helping you focus on all of the positive things you've done. It will also be a great way to look back and read about your experience in the future!
Don't let being homesick ruin your experience! Everyone feels down sometimes and it's okay to admit it. Just don't let the bad times cloud the amazing memories that you've made, and are going to make!