Every Friday night, there is a food bank held in an old warehouse where people take all of the leftover produce and food from the market that was not sold, and make a big meal for everyone to eat. My first time going, I did not know what to expect. However, I can say I was pleasantly surprised by how much fun it was! Everyone that goes helps cut up vegetables and fruit for the meal. I helped with green beans, carrots, and mangos! It is also a great environment to meet new people from all over the world. When dinner is ready, everyone lines up and takes their food and then cleans their own dishes when they are finished. I think this is such an amazing way to bring the community together and it also helps ensure that the food from the market doesn't go to waste. The Friday market has 500 stands, so you can imagine how many leftovers there must be! For the appetizer we had butternut squash cauliflower-flower coconut soup, which was delicious! We then had sweet and sour stir-fry with fried rice noodles for dinner, and rice pudding with apricot and fruit salad for dessert. I will definitely be attending the food bank again, and I can't wait to become more involved in the community in other ways as well!
Friday Footbank